Protect your data assets and reputation
Your firm holds a wealth of sensitive personal and commercial information – so we ensure it is secure and protected from prying eyes.
When cyber-attacks and threats from disgruntled employees are a real risk, are you staying on top of data privacy, governance and security with a robust data security and protection toolkit?
Are you able to guarantee the security of your clients’ data and are you confident that your infrastructure, policies and tools will stand firm if attacked?
How can you better facilitate the flow of information to your clients without risking becoming the weakest link and a potential security target?
At a glance
How we make a difference
As cyber threats and data security become more sophisticated by the day, we can help you adopt a ‘secure by design’ approach to protect your assets, and those of your clients – and safeguard your reputation. As well as offering the latest technology and tools, we deal with the practical issues important to your day-to-day activities. This could be enabling secure interaction between clients and fee-earners; defending against malware, advanced threats, ransomware and data loss; or providing secure, policy-driven, permission-based access to information. We also offer protections from internal threats too such as identifying unusual behavior from users, encrypting data at rest and in transit, and even preventing digital data security incidents and data breaches resulting from misaddressed emails. With the right protections in place, you’ll feel much more confident that your firm is not at risk.
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